Willing Family

Grandfathers Who Served

Today is Memorial Day and I thought it timely to recognize my grandfathers who have served our country.  I'm sure this list is not complete as there is ALWAYS ongoing research. Their sacrifice leaves me with lasting gratitude.

Civil War (1861-1865)

John Thielen, circa 1869.

Civil War (1861-1865) 

John Thielen (1843-1929)

 Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 34th Regiment, Company D.  Enlisted November, 1862 at age 19 and discharged April 16, 1863 due to disability (no details).  John  immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1854 and had only been in this country for 8½ years before his enlistment.

Christian G. Hiller (1844-1918) 

Michigan 9th Infantry Regiment, Company H.  Enlisted February 10, 1864 and discharged September 28, 1865 in Jackson, Michigan.  Christian was a Germany immigrant as well, arriving in the United States at the age of 13 in 1857.  Seven years later, age 20, he would be a Union soldier.

Revolutionary War (1775-1783)

Timothy Barton (1732-1791) 

 Massachusetts Militia.  Private in Captain David Chadwick's Company marching to Bennington on alarm.  Service 5 days, discharged September 23, 1777.

Oliver Burton (1740-1813) 

Connecticut 16th Regiment.  Enlisted and served 3 months.

Samuel Kenyon (1720-1801) Noyes' Regiment, 

Rhode Island Militia, service date 26 August 1778.

John Clarke (1740-1836) 

Lieutenant and captain with Rhode Island troops.  Enlisted in Richmond, RI and served as a Lieutenant, May 1776-May1778 and Captain under Colonels Dyer and Maxon, May 1778-May1883.

Solomon Fuller (1757-1847) 

Private and sergeant with Vermont Militia.  Served as a private in Captain William Dyre's Company, October-November 1780 and sergeant in Captain Bigelow Lawrence's Company, Colonel Walbridge's Regiment.  Four days service, July 1781 and ten days service with the same company October 1781.

Elijah Fuller, father of Solomon (1724-1799)  

Vermont Militia. Private in Green Mountain Boys, Captain Brownson's Company, Colonel Warner's Regiment.

Edward Preston (1733-1823) 

Massachusetts Militia.

William Brown, Jr. (1740-?)

Massachusetts Militia, 17 April 1776.  Private in James Patch's Company of Minute Men who marched on alarm from Ipswich to Mystic.  Four days service.