An Immigrant from Slovenia

Anton Pene and Lee Ann 1961.

As a child, I would look through old family photo albums and was always curious about photos like this one of me posing with a person that I didn't know.   When I asked my Mom she would say "That's Grandpa Pene he was a miner in Minnesota" and that response seemed to satisfy me for a long time.  But, thankfully, I know so much more now.

With all the genealogy websites available now, it's easy to gather records and create time lines for my ancestors.  My files are filed with United States Census, Immigration and Naturalization records on Anton Pene but learning more personal information is the tricky part.  For example I found out, thanks to my parents, that for breakfast Great Grandpa Pene liked to put soda crackers in his coffee and that he smoked Wolf Brothers Crooks Cigars (Anton would ask my Dad, who wasn't married to my Mom at the time, to go to the store and buy them for him).  I understand to most people these details would seem insignificant but this is the type of information I want to know.  As I've mentioned before on this blog, I "inherited" (I say "inherited" because no one else wanted them) a box of 8mm home movies from my great Uncle Johnny (Anton's son).  Having my great grandfather brought to life through film is a true treasure for me.

Watching the film clip above, I'm able to see Anton's personality shine through as he celebrates with his daughter Anne at the tavern, playfully teases his wife Johanna and, below, during a birthday celebration (circa 1948), him delighting in his birthday kisses and wishes (circa 1960). So, it goes without saying, I'm so happy these films didn't end up in the trash and they made their way to me.

More about Anton Pene can be found on the Penne Family page.

Well-wishers in order:

1.   Johnny Penne, Anton's son

2.   Anne Hiller,  daughter

3.   Al,  son

4.   Don Hiller, son-in-law

5.   Don Hiller, grandson

6.   Geri (Al's wife), daughter-in-law

7.  Wanda (Johnny's wife), daughter-in- law

8.   Bob Boschke, grandson-in-law

9.   Carol Penne, granddaughter

10. Bobby Boschke, great grandson and Mary Anne (Hiller) Boschke, granddaughter


Photo of Wolf Brothers Cigars obtained from