A Golden Anniversary

One unexpected result of being the family genealogist is that I've also become the family's "archivist".   Any photo, 8 mm film, letter, newspaper clipping, memento, etc. that is no longer wanted by my family finds it's way to my doorstep.  And I appreciate ALL of it!  Recently a cousin, one of those distant and removed kind of cousins, sent me an envelope of beautiful remembrances  pertaining to my great grandparent's golden anniversary celebration.  One of the items included provided details of the day and out-of-town relatives and friends who attended.  Of great importance to me were these additional names that I can use in my "cluster" research of my great-grandparents.  This is how Wikipedia describes cluster research:

"Cluster genealogy is a research technique employed by genealogists to learn more about an ancestor by examining records left by the ancestor's cluster. A person's cluster consists of the extended family, friends, neighbors, and other associates such as business partners. Researching the lives of an ancestor's cluster leads to a more complete and more accurate picture of the ancestor's life".

I hope you enjoy all my gathered media celebrating Anton and Johanna's special day, available on the Penne Family page.  A special "thank you" to Carolyn for sending all the items my way!