
Traditionally, during the Christmas Season (Christmas Eve-Božični večer and Christmas -Božič) any Slovenian woman will tell you that means it's time to make potica. The Slovenian Union of America writes in their current cookbook The Slovenian-American Table that potica "is as Slovenian as apple pie is American".  Potica (nut roll) is a pastry made from a sweet yeast bought rolled out very thin, then spread with a ground nut paste mixture and finally tightly rolled into a log shape and baked.  Slovenian immigrant women, like my great grandmother Johanna Kocijančič, brought their recipes to the United States.  I've no doubt that that our current receipe was

My Universal grinder was purchased about 8 years ago and is still available for under $35.00.  My Mom still uses my Grandmother's original grinder.

either memorized by or carried with Great Grandma Johanna and then modernized over the years.    I grew up learning to make potica from my Grandmother, Mother and Aunt and since it freezes well, also eating it at most family gathering throughout the year.

Potica artwork!  If you choose to follow this recipe there is a slight error in the first paragraph-1 tsp. sugar NOT 1/2 cup.

Although there are many different varieties of potica both sweet and savory, my family has always made only one kind, orehova potica or walnut potica, one way, with one nut grinder and with one recipe.  I believe the key to making potica is my Universal nut grinder which produces finely ground walnuts, without turning them to paste like a food processor tends to do, allowing for a tight roll.  About 5 years ago now, my niece, Danielle, found an artist named Marcella Kriebel to turn our family recipe into a work of art and surprised each of the women in our family with a copy.  One of the BEST gifts I have ever received.  Our family recipe for potica can be seen on the Family Recipe page.  Enjoy.