Monday, November 20, 1933, 2:20 p.m.

In general, most of my posts refer to a specific person, an ancestor.  Last month, that was John Willing, my great grandfather.  I've decided, this month, to expand on John's life and write about an event that took place during his residence in Racine, Wisconsin.  In past posts I have mentioned Genevieve's Memoir and the informative role it has had in helping me to create accurate historical and genealogical information.  In this one case, however, Genevieve's memory was imprecise.  While recounting her stay at St. Mary's Hospital after the birth of her daughter, Genevieve states that  "the bank that is located on the corner next to it (Bijou Theatre) was robbed by Dillinger and accomplices".  John Dillinger did burglarize the American Bank and Trust Company on November 20, 1933, however, Gen didn't marry until October, 1944 and her daughter was not born until after her marriage.  Perhaps she is just confusing the episode with another hospital stay.  Regardless,  I found it thought-provoking that this event occurred one-and-a-half miles from so many of my father's ancestor's homes (grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins) and wondered how this incident affected their lives.   Although I have no written documentation regarding their personal experiences during the manhunt, I'm guessing there was plenty to talk about at dinner that night! Find the story on the Willing Family page.