Grandpa Hiller

I cherish this photo of my Grandpa and me and clearly remember the day it was taken.  I was about 9 years old and in the backyard of my home.  My Grandpa and Grandma were visiting from Milwaukee and my Grandpa asked Mom to take a photo of us together.  It seemed an usual request to me at the time since my Grandpa was never very demonstrative with his feelings and I didn't think he noticed me much.  Usually my Grandma made requests for photos with her grandkids.  Before this day, I always felt a closer to my Grandma than my Grandpa, I think most kids do.   Maybe that's why he asked for the photo and chose this pose.  At first, I felt a little awkward being so close to him but then it was just......comfortable.  My Grandpa and me-the family's blueberry pancake eatin' redheads!

The story of his dramatic childhood can be found on the Hiller Family page.