Two of Auntie Marlene's Delicious Recipes

Uncle Howie and Auntie Marlene in their younger days.

Uncle Howie and Auntie Marlene in their younger days.

A visit to Uncle Howie and Auntie Marlene’s house always means sampling her wonderful baked goods. As a child, I remember seeing them both at Christmas and she would open a round tin full of cookies all different shapes, sizes and colors-green Christmas holly cookies with dried cherries or red hots as the berries, English toffee, Hello Dolly bars, pecan fingers, date nut pinwheel cookies, shortbread and probably more I am forgetting about. My aunt always makes time to bake during the holidays, something I do as well no matter how busy I may be. Many people won’t share recipes but my aunt has always shared with anyone so I know she won’t mind me posting her English Toffee and Shortbread recipes. Both are delicious and I only wish I had time to make them today and share photos!

I love collecting my family’s recipes, especially when they are written in their own hand as is these two.

I love collecting my family’s recipes, especially when they are written in their own hand as is these two.
